Life After A Sprinting Empire ( Ha! Ha!)

Look at what happened..…how cool is this?

My last blog was about liking it or not liking it. It was about people stealing others work (in this case it has been items from my online store) online and acting like it’s no big deal. I don’t like it.   I had sent the offenders a note, I did not get a response (why would they respond?) and then I discovered the Digital Millennia Copyright Act. It’s a form found online you send to the appropriate provider. In my case it was Facebook and YouTube.  I was impressed to get a response within 24 hours and shortly after that I received notice that my material had been taken down.  How cool is that? I like it! Thank you to the law makers of the DMCA!

On another note I wanted to talk a bit about something slightly different.


Coaching : What is the key role of a coach?

If you asked 15 different people you would get varied answers. The higher level of athlete and the higher level of the performance the more similar the answers to what the key role of a coach might be.

Some people feel it’s the information a coach is able to deliver while others feel it’s the inspiration and or leadership.

When Coaching and teaching children it’s important to bring enthusiasm, leadership and , inspiration and while expecting knowledge might not be as high of a priority until the skill level improves.

If you are able to make others believe in their own abilities and if you are able to inspire the talents of each individual for their own success, the power of this idea can be unstoppable.

I don’t like hearing when teachers or coaches are not inspiring. My son has argued with me on this point and while I might agree coaching teenage boys requires slightly different skills and may I say courage than other categories of people, I still believe negative bully type leadership has a limited prescription for success that might thrive only in military settings.

There is a great deal of information out there on the web. How you go about sifting through what works best might depend on who inspires you the most.

I’ve felt fortunate to be given enough time to realize my own athletic talents. I was and continue to be inspired by the information you will find on this website that changed my life.

The letters I receive from people all over the world are just one of the things that inspires me now. I am thankful for people who take the time to tell me their stories. I like it! .... thanks for reading ... ange

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