Training is taxing. Training can be draining. We all need training and trainers to help us stay on track. We also need to understand a few key ideas to max out our potential and prevent all kinds of injuries that just might slow us down.
If you are active, if you are an athlete, if you compete at the highest level of any thing in or out of the office then you need to learn useful and repeatable habits that keep you in your game.
Here is what you need to know to Prevent Crap from happening to you. ( or limit the worst case scenario)
- Water heals.
Drink lots
If you think you are drinking a decent amount of water think again. Many beverages remove water out of your system. Coffee, alcohol and sugary juices are the biggest culprits. Improved water intake helps the body get rid of waste. When you are active, training or live a demanding life style taking in more water will help you feel your best. Filtered water is ideal but tap water will work too. I suggest 2 or 3, 32 oz. bottles per day starting as soon as you wake up. Try to stop water consumption not later than 8 or 9pm so you don’t interrupt your sleep with frequent bathroom stops. Some say drink 2 large glasses per meal. Find what works for you.
Dunk in it
Swimming or training in the water is regenerative. If you can swim you will benefit from getting into the water for 30 to 40 minutes at a time. Water changes our chemistry according to Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga who runs the Acupuncture program at McMaster University in Hamilton ONTARIO Canada. Wading in the water can reset people naturally. Water is relaxing for muscles. Relaxed muscles are a lower risk for injury compared to tight, less mobile muscles.
Contrast it
Using water to heal is not a new idea. Head Athletics Coach Anthony McCleary and Coach Desai Williams at the National Training Center at York University in Toronto Canada use cold baths after sprint sessions to aid in the recovery of their athletes. A typical protocol of routine Epson salt baths helps both athletes and anyone suffering from muscle soreness. Worked out muscles respond well to contrasting warm and cold water temperatures. Former head of the Polish Olympic Therapy program Waldamar Matuszewski Ph.d instructed athletes for decades to perform daily hot and cold contrast baths. A 12-minute circuit alternating hot and cold regenerates your nervous system. You must get your head wet completely to fully benefit from contrast baths says Matuszewski. Method = Use a water proof timer for 3 minutes ofhot water and quickly alternate to 1 minute as cold as possible and repeat 2 more cycles for 12 full minutes.
Here are some ideas about the CNS and training here:
Coach Charlie Francis also talks about the CNS in his manual “ The Charlie Francis Training System “ regarding the role recovery and regeneration plays in the prevention of short and long-term injury prevention. (starting on pages 61 ).
- Sleep and Rest add up.
There is no better way to heal than to give your body the correct tools and it will heal itself.
Lights out.
Best selling author and natural doctor Natasha Turner talks about how hormones play an essential role keeping us young and free of health issues. For example, darkness is an important aspect of the release of melatonin and subsequently the release of naturally occurring growth hormone. ( page 51 sleeping with light exposure).
What’s enough?
Opinions vary but most agree that the general population in modern society is not getting enough sleep. Dr. Turner says proper sleep, which includes sleeping at the right time, uninterrupted sleeping and sleeping in darkness aids in balancing hormones naturally. Routine compromised sleeping adds risk to getting small or larger injuries.
Read more about the role rest and recovery plays in the training process by reading here.
- Nutrition
I used to think I could get away with eating what ever I wanted when I was burning calories galore at almost all stages of my life as an athlete. For the first time ever becoming a mother challenged my previous game plan instantly. I became a serious student on how to continue my thriving ways I previously enjoyed as a track aficionado. What to eat, how to eat, if to supplement or not are topics that have become confusing to athletes as well as people training hard on or off the track or gym.
A quick overview a few nutrition hot topics
Smoothies = A great way to supplement your daily intake of calories, protein and or greens. Use a water base, a coconut water base or green tea base before adding things like flax, raw kale, kefir, yogurt, cue cumber and berries.
Fresh foods that are Super for you = yes, I am talking about super foods like spinach, berries rich in antioxidants but try buying local foods in season to get the highest nutritional value and taste.
Foods that help you = All types of red meat used to be a first choice for me as an athlete. Learn about what combination of foods works best for you. Experiment what your personal best combinations of foods are.
Keep it simple = eat veggies, eat fruit and eat beans and meat and natural foods. Stay away from products that have massive product ingredients and limit your
Here are a few places you can visit to learn more and educate yourself about the best nutrition for you in and out of the gym.
Practice makes permanent. Develop habits that keep you happy in your game today and tomorrow.
Enjoy and go get stuff done.