Proudly I’d like to announce the completion of 7 books in the Fundamental Key Concepts eBook Series that were created to enhance the education of coaches, athletes and parents on world class methods of how to perfect speed training for any sport.
I guarantee reading one of these books will change how you think about your training if not draw you in to read more about how you can change your athletic successes no matter what your level of participation in sport.
Here is what one coach has said about the information available and his opinion about the content at
The following is a list with links of the 7 Fundamental Key Concept Books for you to enjoy and learn from.
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.
1- The Structure of Training for Speed (Key Concepts Book 1)
2- Training for Power and Strength in Speed (Key Concepts Book 2)
3- Compensation and Recovery (Key Concepts Book 3)
4- High Intensity Training Expanding the Limits of Performance
(Key Concepts Book 4)
5- Race Dynamics and Sprint Techniques (Key Concepts Book 5)
6- Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) for Maximum Speed
(Key Concepts Book 6)
7- Fundamental Guidelines For Building a Champion Sprinter
(Key Concepts Book 7)
Here is the list. I hope you love these books as much as so many coaches and parents have told me they have enjoyed reading and learning from them.
Let your passions guide you to where you need and or want to go.