Tribute to Charles Poliquin by Chris Lori

Tribute to Charles Poliquin by Chris Lori

Chris Lori is a friend of Angela Coon ( Coach Ange)  and the late Coach Charlie Francis. Chris and Ange shared the same home town of Essex County, Ontario, Canada. Chris and Ange competed in track and field in Canada in the 1980's and 1990's. 

See here for a more info on Chris 

Thank you Chris Lori for providing our readers at Charlie about your friendship and interactions with Charles Poliquin. Most know Coach Poliquin as a world renowned strength specialist. Few would understand his generosity and kindness  you have shared with us. 

Tribute to Charles Poliquin 

Charles Poliquin started writing strength programs for our (bobsledding) team about 1992. We had the pleasure of sitting with Charles around the table in the lounge of the athlete’s training center at Canada Olympic Park where we’d consume his new aged thoughts on high performance training and diet.

At the time, it was very difficult to access the minds of the leaders and innovators, such as Charlie Francis and Charles Poliquin in high performance training. Sitting with Charles was important not only to gain a better comprehension of the science behind new training approaches, but to adapt a reformed way of thinking as a basis for uninhibited progress. We need industry leaders to expand how people think about getting things done.

The mindset Charles brought to our exiguous amateur sport evolved into a game changer for the countless athlete’s he helped win international medals and evident in his global success in training, diet, supplementation and equipment development.

The distinction between Charlie Francis and Charles Poliquin versus other trainers was the ability to convert their exceptional depth of knowledge to the mental and physiological profile of the athlete to optimize one’s potential. Further, adding psychology, knowing precisely what demands to place on the athlete and when, which also served to develop psychological maturity and expand one’s overall mental and physical capacity.

Charles was a driver personality type who expected as much from those around him as he did from himself. He was process oriented and never missed an opportunity to grow. His routines involved moments to be grateful for things that happened in the past hour, day, week and life. He would pause regularly to revisit what was learned after an interaction, a meeting, a training session or inadvertent experience. He was constantly expanding every aspect of his life. He challenged those he trained and worked with to do the same, putting them on the spot. “What did you learn?” What are you thankful for?” “What will you do with it?”

Charles was an inspiration to countless people, however remote. His persona was so deep, his inspiration spread well beyond his business exploits.  Charles called me up one day last year and said; “I want to raise funds for your anti sex trafficking crews in Asia”.  I said, well, it’s not every day, when it comes to money…  someone calls you before you call them, to offer you money.”

Not only did Charles raise money, he matched what was raised on two separate campaigns. I’d never seen anything like it. He also committed to supporting our crews, indefinitely.

We’ve had 400+ sex trafficked victims rescued in Philippines so far, this year. After our rescue of 19 kids, last week, our lead Philippine agent said; “If it weren’t for Charles, I couldn’t be here, right now.”

That’s one example of how Charles gets the most out of people around him.

We need more leaders like Charles. People who expand the boundaries of people and industries.

We miss you, Charles. Your legacy remains alive.


Chris Lori
Bobsleigh 88 92 94 98




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